Still crazy after all those years
25 years married, yeah!
Instead of taking another trip to New York City this year (as I already mentioned in the headline: we are crazy *g*), we pulled on our trecking boots and backpack and enjoyed beautiful days in Switzerland.
On our anniversary we visited the so called Queen of Mountains, "Rigi", and stayed in a nice hotel with pool and spa. Queen Rigi surprised us with a beautiful view with lots of clouds over Lake Lucerne (Vierwaldstätter See), which looked like an ocean, because we've been above the clouds, as you can see in thee picture.
The photo was taken from a nice guy from Shanghai, who knew better about my NIKON than me ;-)
# Link | Petra A. Bauer | Dieser Artikel erschien am Donnerstag, 26. September 2013 um 09:36 Uhr in Unterwegs
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Tags: wandern, Vierwaldstätter See, Silberhochzeit, Rigi, mountain, Lake Lucerne, geocaching, Berg, 25 years